Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
Born: April 20, 1986 (NY) - Died: June 8, 2001 (VA)
You had been brought back to the North Shore Animal League on LI, NY three times because you were so vocal. We didn't care about that and we immediately fell in love with you and adopted you on the spot. You were the sweetest cat. You slept with the kids and never, ever scratched them even when they played rough with you. You were a tough alpha male and you survived many ordeals. Guess you used up your 9 lives. We miss you so much, Miami. Hope and pray we will see you in heaven.
Born: June 10, 1994 (NJ) - Died: December 6, 2010 (FL)
The only cat we purchased - on purpose. You were a beautiful, ruddy colored Somali. You had such big ears and the kindest disposition. Even when you were old you still acted like a kitten until the bone cancer got you. You were friends with the other animals in our family, family, friends and strangers alike. You died too soon and so unexpectedly. I want to see you again when I, too, cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I love you, Sunspot.
Born: Unknown - Died: 2009 (TX)
You were the best dog companion anyone could ever hope for. I miss you, Katie.
Born: Unknown (TX?) - Died: December 10, 2008 (TX)
We rescued you from an animal shelter that wanted to euthanize you because you were vomiting and had diarrhea. When we brought you to our vet she said you were old, weak, very sick, and on top of all of this you also had uncontrolled diabetes. It was obvious that your prior owners had abandoned you when you became old and sick - when you needed them the most. Shame on them! We had to euthanize you anyway, but at least you didn't die alone and unloved. I'm so very sorry you had to go like this. I cried so much for you. You were such a handsome Burmese cat. Have the happiness you so deserved now that you are over the Rainbow Bridge. xxooxx
Born: Unknown (TX) - Died: 2008 (TX)
You walked into my life and became my best friend. At first you were scared, but after a while you relaxed and you would even sleep in my bed with me. I would always look forward to seeing you when I returned home from work. Then one day when I was away at work, my neighbor kidnapped you and brought you to the shelter. She told them you belonged to her and she wanted you killed. She had no right to do that. When I finally found out where you were it was too late. They had killed you right away per the neighbors request. I am so angry and heartbroken. I miss cuddling with you at night. I miss you so much. Is there no justice?
Born: Unknown (TX) - Died: 2008 (TX)
One day you came out of no where to our back door and just sat there quietly and politely until I noticed you. Twice a day from then on you would come for food. I named you "Little Monk" because you reminded me of Buddhist monks who would make their rounds daily with a begging bowl from house to house to collect food. You would never let me get close to you, but would wait calmly (like the picture) until I placed a bowl of food and water down for you. You would wait until I went back indoors and then would go eat and drink. I knew you appreciated the food. Then one day you disappeared. The following Summer we found some bones in our back garden. Someone said they were cat bones. I knew it was you. I miss your twice daily visits. Be at peace, little guy.
Born: Unknown (TX) - Died: December 4, 2005 (TX)
Such a cute little girl cat. We miss you.
Born: 1983 (CA) - Died: 1985 (MA)
Poor little kitty had been severely abused and was so terrified that she stayed curled in a ball in the corner of her cage at the shelter. My daughter insisted on adopting her and then she spent weeks trying to gain her trust. Eventually, Buttercup would slowly come out of hiding and came out of her shell. She even learned to play "fetch" with our daughter. Never saw a cat do that. Then we had to leave Buttercup with our daughter's grandmother when we had to move to Japan for 2 years. We couldn't bring Buttercup with us. While living in Japan we found out that Buttercup was cancer ridden and she died before we could see her again. She had a complete vet exam before we left for Japan and we were never told she was ill. We were so heartbroken. Especially our daughter. We know you are no longer in pain now that you have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. We miss and love you.
Born: November 1992 - Died: July 2010 (FL)
My Nick.
Born: Rescued from the Highway on September 1997 - Died: Sunday, January 7, 2012
Toto came into my life when I was experiencing a divorce. . .the shocking and sudden death of my dear mother in 1999, my stepdaughter and . . . my ex-husband whom I had become a caregiver for. This little pint-size Schnauzer had more love to give than any can imagine. I now realize that I focused all my love and attention on him - in turn, this little guy made my home a safe haven filled with love and warmth. Now, the silence is deafening. I cry in the mornings . . . I cry at night . . .Will I ever be able to go on and focus? Will time heal me? If not for Toto, I surely feel life would have been empty and unfulfilled, devoid of happiness. God bless you, my son.
T - tolerant; O - obedient; T - trusting ; O - one and only
Born 1997 - Died December 22, 2012
A neighbor found you having your five kittens in the Baylor Hospital parking lot and brought you to me. I kept you and your babies until they were old enough to be fostered and adopted out, and I kept you because you were such a nervous little thing I didn't think you needed any more stress in your life. This Christmas I was so preoccupied and consumed with getting "stuff" done, and so tired by 1:30 in the morning , I didn't remember you had been waiting outside for hours to come back into the house. Because of my distractions and misplaced priorities, I left you outside all night for the first time - and the last time. You fell prey, I am sure, to wildlife occasionally spotted in our area over the years. If tears could bring you back, you would be on my bed almost immediately after "lights out," purring so loudly I would wonder if I would get to sleep. If begging forgiveness could bring you back, I would see your face at the front window as I pull up into the driveway and then disappear because you are waiting to greet me at the door. If the deepest sorrow could bring you back, you would be sitting on the right arm of my chair, frequently looking at the net-book in my lap - patiently waiting for "Your turn!" But that is not to be. All you ever wanted to do was be as close to me as you could, whenever you could. I will always be grateful for the true joy you brought into my life with your endless love and affection. I will always cherish and honor your memory, and I promise I will find some way for this heartbreaking and senseless loss of your life to benefit other beloved pets and/or their "humans." Peace and love be with you, "Little Girl."
My beloved "Muffin," angel from God.
Be mindful of your creatures, O Lord, whom you have redeemed by your precious blood.
In Loving Memory of Our Baby Autumn
July 14, 2012 - October 14, 2020
Our beloved Autumn passed away due to sudden illness. Turns out she had hemangiosarcoma that went undetected at the vet. We had to take her to the ER when she stopped eating and appeared to feel ill and didn't make it home with her. Autumn was still so young and vibrant and FULL of energy. We were completely blindsided and unprepared. Autumn was large and in charge at our house. She was so smart and such a loyal and faithful companion who wanted to be in the center of everything and pretty much was. She loved to do any kind of training, she liked to do tricks, and play with soccer balls and frisbees. She really loved the water and her pool. I miss her "helping" me water the plants and flowers. She was always by my side doing everything. Autumn changed our world forever. It broke our hearts to lose her so suddenly but we thank God for everyday we got to spend with her. The house is so quiet and so still now. We can't wait to see her again and look into those big amber eyes. We love her and miss her beyond words.
In Loving Memory of our Best Boy Asher
Adopted November 1, 2013 to March 17, 2021
Asher was mysterious, silly and very gentle. He made us laugh and appreciate nature so much more. He also helped us to slow down and be in the moment to enjoy what we could have taken for granted like stopping to embrace a breeze. He loved watching the sun rise and set on the patio. Sometimes he would sit in the middle of the yard and stare at the moon. Besides his love for the outdoors, he loved car rides, watching birds and chasing bugs especially dragonflies. He really loved playing with his indestructible ball. He even liked riding in the car through the car wash. He just made everything fun. Asher really embraced living in the moment and living life to the fullest. I don't know how I will ever forgive myself for allowing him to be misdiagnosed and go through such unnecessary and painful treatment for something he didn't need. Turns out he had bone cancer in his leg and it was too late to do anymore. I thank God that he perked up for a while despite not being able to use his leg and he was playing and working the backyard again for a little while. We miss him so much and can't wait to see him again. I still look out our patio window and miss seeing him on his perch watching over his yard.
September 6, 2017 FL- May 2, 2021 FL
I met you by chance. Your mommy abandoned you under a camper on my neighbors driveway. You were only a week old and screaming so loudly. I never took care of a newborn but thank God for a guardian angel, my neighbor, who helped me bottle feed you and kept you alive and you got strong. I fell in love with you instantly. We had an instant bond. Your getting sick so suddenly was a shock. You were so healthy and happy. It's not fair. I am going to miss you jumping on my counter to drink water when I'm brushing my teeth or when I would come home from shopping and you loved to play in the pile of grocery bags. I loved kissing your belly and paws because you slept on your back, spread out. It was so funny and cute. You were my BFF, in my heart and in my soul. I cry so hard over losing you, Mooney. It's a pain I can't even fathom. Kitty and your siblings miss you too, terribly. I pray and hope to see you and to play with you in heaven when it's my time. RIP, my baby, I know now you're not in pain anymore.
Born: 12/27/2007 (TX)-Died 5/28/2024 (FL)
May G-d a.k.a. The Great Spirit a.k.a. Allah a.k.a. All That Is bless you and watch over you in compassion and loving-kindness.
We miss you so much and hope to see you once again when it's our time to die. Love you.
Born: April 6, 2004 - Transitioned: January 7, 2013 (NJ)
Founding Father of Conquer Canine Cancer . . . Remission Is Our Mission!
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is dying that we are born to eternal life.
Born: August 1, 1996 (MD) - Died: December 30, 2015 (FL)
Gray female, short hair cat with a little white locket on her chest. She was rescued at only 4 weeks of age from a Chevy Caprice car engine. When 6 years old she suffered from renal (kidney) failure and had only 1/3 of one of her kidneys working. I prayed for her to remain with us many more years and to live pain free. In the Fall of 2015, at the age of 19, she started to decline rapidly and was put on hospice care. The morning she had difficulty breathing is the day I had her euthanized. Caprice went peacefully while lying on my lap. She was a very strong little girl and I miss her very much. It is my hope that she is now playing with her previously departed best friend, Sunspot.
Born: Spring 2002 (MA) - Died: July 4th, 2016
"A Poem for Scout a.k.a. "Mimi"
Mimi will never leave our memories, the cat who shared or lives.
In subtle ways Mimi let us know his spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop a tasty treat on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss you terribly.
And although times may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill,
that one place in our hearts belongs to him . . . and always will . . . forever.
Born: May 17, 2001 (MD) - Died: March 9, 2017 (FL)
You were "dumped" at the Maryland House Rest Stop on I-95. When we drove up to park and opened the car door you immediately came right up to our young son. When asked, a worker told us that someone had abandoned you there about a week prior. You were a skinny little thing. The vet said you were about 4 months old. We made you a part of our family and loved you so very much. You traveled all over with us and you were the alpha female until you grew old. You died so suddenly and unexpectedly. You had been your normal self all day. When you didn't come for a snack we looked all over for you. We found you lying near the side chair in the den. You had died while we were watching TV with the other pets. We miss you so. We are thankful that you didn't appear to have suffered. You made no noise. You died in your own home, in your comfortable spot, surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells you loved. May we meet again over the Rainbow Bridge when our time comes.
Born: 12/12/2007 (TX) - Died: 6/11/2019 (FL)
You were obviously left behind when your original owners moved. When we couldn't find them we decided to keep you. Mango, you were the most loving and smart cat. We never saw a cat able to open a sliding glass door (too bad you couldn't close it tho). You died too young at only 11 1/2 years of age of kidney failure. Thank you for enriching my life and for letting me know when it was time to let you go over the Rainbow Bridge. You were a gift in so many ways. I miss you so very much and look forward to being with you, again, when I leave this life. I love you
Born: 9/6/2003 (TX)-Died 4/1/2020 (FL)
We adopted Rio in Keller, TX in 2009. The first time we saw him we knew he was the right dog for us. He was small, well trained and NOT a "fufu" dog. Actually, he was a tough little 5.5lb. Chihuahua. He was always sitting in our lap or lying up against us in bed. He was sweet natured, friendly and hardly ever barked. Rio traveled with us on our 7-month RV trip across the country and he loved exploring new place and guarding the RV when we were out. He was our buddy dog, and quickly became integrated into our daily routines. He grew old gracefully, slowed down a lot, but never stopped showering us with love. We loved him so much and miss him more.
Born: 5/13/2010 (TX)-Died 11/5/2023 (FL)
We adopted Tiki from Animal Advocates of N. Texas. Because he had an upper respiratory problem the shelter was going to kill him. AANT rescued him as a kitten and I adopted him from there. He was Mango Tango's best friend and helped Mango to adjust from an outdoor cat to an indoor cat. They were inseparable until Mango's death. I miss him so much. I hope he is reunited with Mango Tango over the Rainbow Bridge.
Born: 9/12/2009 (CA)-Died 8/16/2024 (FL)
In Loving Memory of our Best Boy, Spencer. Spencer was playful, independent, spunky, brave, curious and kind with a gentle heart. He was born in a mountain town and we did visit several more mountain towns over the years, getting out and connecting to Mother Nature and all of Her gifts. Spencer made us laugh and find joy in the small moments. Spencer loved exploring new places on our travels, visiting the beach and sniffing the breeze. He loved playing ball and "meeting" the squirrels in the trees and the Florida lizards. Life was bigger and brighter with Spencer in it. He taught us how to live more fully, in the moment with unconditional love and regard.
Born: 9/3/2004 (FL)-Died 11/15/2015 (FL)
In loving Memory of Chloe. Chloe was independent, loyal, curious, intelligent, brave and active. she was the best travel companion and even went boating at Big Bear Lake, camping at the Grand Canyon and hiking in the snow at Big Bear Mountain. Chloe enjoyed playing with her younger brother dog, Spencer, the most. Specifically tug-of-war with their stuffed snake toy and fetch-a-ball. They both loved eating their meals together and going for walks at local parks. Chloe made everything more fun and taught us about patience, letting go, appreciation and kindness. Chloe was the bright light of our home that now lights up our hearts.