Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
According to the Best Friends Animal Society 2025 Halftime Report:
Six (6) states account for more than half of the killing of dogs and cats in America's shelters. They are Texas, California, Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina and FLORIDA.
Come on guys - Get with the Program!! It CAN BE DONE. For example, at the Santa Rosa County shelter in Florida, the save rate jumped from 33.9% in 2018 to 88.4% in 2020.
What a great idea.
Have you heard of Mentor Shelters? This is when a successful shelter (in terms of reaching and maintaining a 90% save r...
But we are making progress:
The number of dogs and cats killed in shelters per year in 2016 was 1.5 million. In 2020 it was down to 347,000....
So how many shelters are no-kill shelters?
According to Best Friends the percentage of no-kill shelters in 2016 was 24%. In 2020, no-kill she...