Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
Pet Loss Support, Pet Funeral/Memorial Services, Blessings & Prayers, Spiritual Support & Counseling, Animal Hospice Coordination, Pet Emergency Information, Training in Animal Chaplaincy/Pet Bereavement, and More . . .
If you need moral support or someone to discuss your concerns with regarding pending surgery or a terminal illness and/or possible alternatives, including animal hospice options and euthanasia, for your pet, I will be there for you. If you decide to care for your terminal pet at home I can help assist you and to help you come to terms with the impending death of your animal companion. If you need to euthanize your pet I will stay with you (and your pet) during the procedure (if you desire this). If you are unable to bear being with your pet while the euthanasia is being performed, I can stand in for you so your pet will not be alone, but will be held and comforted.
None are being offered at this time. If you are interested in attending a support group please contact me.
If you need emotional support during the surgery of your pet at the Animal Hospital or Clinic, I will be there for you. Suggested Donation: $50 per hour
If you need emotional support during and/or after the euthanasia of your pet either in your home (preferred) or at your Animal Clinic or Hospital, I will be there for you.
Suggested Donation:: There is no suggested donation. Please give what you can to the "Helping Paws Fund."
When you have lost your beloved pet I can conduct a non-denominational ceremony customized according to your beliefs and needs; adapted to include specifics and personal stories about your pet. Services may be held at the time of burial/internment, cremation, or on the anniversary date or at any other scheduled time of your preference. Children are encouraged to attend and, if possible, to participate as much as age and comfort level dictate.
Suggested Donation: $95 (includes a copy of the service)
Offered at any time for the well-being and health of your pet and yourself, as well as, a loving caregiver. Please see the "Prayer" Page to include your pet on this site. Suggested Donation: NONE
Often when we are confronted with the death of a beloved pet, we aren't able to think very clearly. This is part of the grieving process. I am here as a resource if you need to discuss animal hospice options, burial options, finding a pet cemetery, finding a place to purchase a coffin or an urn for your beloved pet's ashes and to work with you during the grief process. Remember, if you need assistance, I'm here for you.
Community Resource
I am also available to speak to groups about the roll of an Animal Chaplain; the stages of grieving and how the stages in the grieving process are the same no matter what loss is experienced.
Animal Hospice Support
If you would like to discuss this option for your terminally ill pet, other than euthanizing him/her, I can offer you counseling concerning the Hospice Support Team (you, your pet, your veterinarian, your veterinarian assistant, volunteers and spiritual support/the animal chaplain), and helping you to decide whether or not providing hospice care is a viable option for you, your pet and your family.
If you decide to provide hospice care for your beloved pet, I will help you determine whether providing care in your home is an option or assist you in locating a veterinary clinic or animal hospital that is willing to do so. I will also assist you by being an advocate for you when discussing this option with your veterinarian. If you decide to provide your pet with hospice care I will meet with or speak over the phone with your veterinarian to discuss how his/her team can best help your pet have a quality of life and support you during this most difficult time.
Please note that Animal Hospice care is a relatively new alternative. Many veterinarians have not been trained in providing this kind of care and support to their clients. Having been involved in Human Hospice for many years and increasing my knowledge base concerning Animal Hospice issues (e.g., Attending the First International Symposium on Veterinary Hospice Care that was held at the University of California - Davis Campus, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Spring of 2008). I am ready to help assist veterinarians in showing them how they can be part of this growing alternative.
Training for "Certified Animal Chaplain," (if ordained), or "Certificate of Completion in Pet Bereavement," (with ordination requirement waived). Please see further information under the Certification Training Tab.